Wind Power

Let wind power blow you away

Use the Wind to Your Advantage

Wind farms are classified into two categories: Onshore and Offshore. Onshore plants are situated on land while offshore plants are located between 50 and 150 km out to sea. Due to above average wind volume over the ocean, off-shore plants possess enormous energy producing potential. Furthermore, the decrease of suitable land and the pressure to maintain scenic landscapes has made offshore wind-farming an ever more relevant endeavor.

Onshore plants send the generated alternating current to step-up transformers and feed directly into the public network. Due to the long distance between offshore plants available power grids, the alternating current is commutated to direct current on site. With distances of more than 70km, power is transmitted via high voltage direct current transmission (HVDC transmission), which is more efficient for longer expanses. On land the alternating current is then reproduced and fed into the network.

The Luna Group is determined through their dedication, precise know-how, and experience, to bring this ecologically and economically minded use of energy to the forefront.

"One of the oldest forms of renewable energy. Affordable, sustainable, productive"

  • Wind Power Plants
  • Wind Farms
  • Wind Energy World-Wide


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Project Development

As a technical consultant we provide feasibility studies and technical analysis, (inspection), as well as taking care of installation planning, tendering, and quality management.


General Planning/ -Contractor

Luna Invest is a serious partner for investors providing independent consulting, professional planning, and taking over diverse administrative and bureaucratic tasks.

Fancy Globe

Turnkey and Semi-Turnkey Solutions

Ready-to-use and ready-to-deploy investment projects in Europe's highest yielding solar power areas.


O & M

As an international "Operation & Maintenance"-partner we take care of product management including monitoring and maintenance.

Home green Home


Take advantage of numerous government subsidies: Build Green! These high efficient buildings of the future have experienced a veritable boom in demand.